For the second year in a row, the BIRN Group, which ULDALL are a part of, are publishing a sustainability report for the entire BIRN Group. The sustainability report for 2023 is structured according to the areas Environment (E), Social (S) and Governance (G) in order to provide the best overall picture of where we stand as a company and a group in relation to climate, environmental, social and governance initiatives, all of which must support the upcoming EU sustainability reporting requirements.


Increasing demands and expectations for sustainability

ULDALL and the BIRN Group will be subject to the EU sustainability reporting requirements from 2026, but we are already seeing increasing demands and expectations for sustainability from our customers. That is why we spent part of 2023 collecting data and preparing EPDs for the cast iron elements used in our customers' finished products.

- Data has been the focal point of the 2023 report, enabling us to make the best and most effective decisions when it comes to sustainability. We are constantly looking for opportunities to optimize the way we use energy in our companies, says Claus Beier, Group CEO of BIRN Group.

At ULDALL, we are happy to contribute to the group's sustainable ambitions within climate and environment, social responsibility, and corporate governance.

- We are always looking for new ways to optimize our energy and resource consumption. There is no doubt that sustainability will become increasingly important in the years to come, says our Sales Director, Dion Brun.


Danish lessons during working hours

Happy and satisfied employees are crucial for ULDALL to run a successful business. That is why we offer Danish language lessons during working hours for employees for whom Danish is not their mother tongue, as well as courses for people with dyslexia.

- 70 per cent of the employees here at ULDALL have a non-Danish ethnic background, so we offer them Danish lessons during working hours so that they can be better included in the workplace and in Danish society. The lessons have been well received, and we can feel that it strengthens the sense of belonging to the workplace and unity with colleagues, Dion Brun concludes.


Read BIRN Group's Sustainability Report 2023

You can read more about our sustainability work within climate, social responsibility, and corporate governance in the Sustainability Report 2023.

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