ULDALL is constantly evolving to follow customer requirements for certification.
But paper is grateful. We always open the doors for customer audits to show that we are the right choice.
Our certifications benefit our customers, stakeholders and our employees.

Our certifications:

ISO 9001
Marine certificering
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ISO 9001

ISO 9001 is a certification of the quality management system, which demonstrates our commitment to consistency, continuous improvement and customer satisfaction. For many, the certification is synonymous with quality and efficient management combined with a structured customer dialogue. The standard is based on a number of quality management principles, where we continuously work with a strong customer focus, motivation and involvement of senior management, process approach and improvements. With the certification, we are thus working towards increased efficiency and a reduction in the number of product defects.

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800x600_ISO9001 Certifikat
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Marine certificering

The marine and offshore sector has special requirements for the certification of e.g. ships and components that are part of them.  ULDALL has a long history with the offshore and marine industry. Therefore, we are of course approved to deliver to the industry and can deliver both 3.1 and 3.2 certificates with monitoring of the classification societies.
ULDALL is certified, whereby the four classification societies have seen and reviewed how we at ULDALL carry out and analyze various tests on cast iron qualities, and subsequently can issue a material certificate if the customer requests it.
Our laboratory and process control are inspected and audited on an ongoing basis, thereby ensuring both our customers and their products throughout the product's life expectancy.

Download BV Mode II certifikat

Download DNV certifikat

Download LR certifikat

Download ABS certifikat

Marine certifikater - billedekollage
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EcoVadis is considered to be a world leader in its field and is recognised for its thorough and detailed analyses of corporate sustainability based on a range of criteria in relation to climate, environment, labour and human rights, ethics and procurement. The entire BIRN Group renewed its EcoVadis certification in 2023.
The result of the certification has been assessed based on our efforts in the E, S and G areas, where we have succeeded in mapping our waste streams, training our employees in energy optimisation, and improving energy efficiency through technology and equipment upgrades. In the S area, we have reviewed safety equipment and introduced a health check option for employees. In the G area, we have established a whistleblower scheme and been recognised for high IT security. 


We are a data-driven company, and if you would like further documentation of our certifications, you are welcome to contact us.

Dion Brun, Salesdirector

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